Thursday, February 25, 2010

Madman dictator's son speaks German

Seoul - He is 26 applies, as shy, speaks German - Kim Jong Un. Son of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il terror (67).
Now the mad dictator's son as leader of the communist country has nominated. The government has already swore an oath of loyalty to Kim, then South Korea. Speculation about a change of power there was a long time.
 When he is officially completed, however, is open. Since summer 2008, when Kim Jong Il had a stroke, compressed, the evidence that the dictator would appoint one of his three sons to succeed him.
 The ruler had not been long and fueled speculation about his health.
Most recently he took part in the middle of April as head of the inaugural sitting of Parliament, where he settled as chairman of the National Defense Committee and thus determine the most powerful man in the isolated communist state.
He looked at his first major appearance since August 2008 have aged and thinner. Now he has apparently done to brass tacks.
 The newspaper Dong A Ilbo reported that the population would have already sworn in with a paean to the new "Commander Kim. But who's the successor?
Kim Jong Un is the son of Kim died of cancer in 2004, with a dancer Ko Yong Hi. He was educated under a pseudonym until 1998, the International School of Berne, Switzerland. There he studied English, German and French. He left school at 15 but apparently without any qualifications.
 He was introverted, shy, was mainly interested in skiing and basketball. Kim was a humble student and have been kind to the children of U.S. diplomats, his former headmaster.
 Otherwise, little is known. More recent photos of him does not exist. He saw his father doing something very similar and also as the 67-year-old, a longtime Japanese chef told the dictator. Even as he is suffering from diabetes, his father.
Experts believe the 26-year-old had the best chance of the "dear leader to follow." The eldest son Kim, who was 38-year-old Jong Nam, long considered the favorite - until he tried in 2001, with a forged passport to enter Japan, where he allegedly wanted to visit Disneyland in Tokyo.
 Meanwhile, North Korea puts the world with missiles in tests of anxiety and worry. Apparently, Kim Jong Il wants to re-fire a medium-range missile over the ocean.