Friday, February 5, 2010
Frankfurt-Bayer fans rampage after game
Dusseldorf - 19 rowdy football fans are after the Bundesliga match between Frankfurt and Leverkusen have been arrested in the town.
The situation escalated from 21 clock mainly on the Bolkerstrasse. "The Frankfurt fans bought beer bottles, just to throw them at police," says Mehmet Arslan. "I have let down the blind at some point, it was too dangerous for us."
Opposite the pub "Auberge" did you close the store by 22 clock. "The hooligans threw our tables and chairs. All the ashtrays are gone, even the heater were thrown towards the police, "says Janine waitress renters.
The police responded with tear gas. There were four policemen and six rioters threw verletzt.Auf of Ratingen Street Fortuna fans in Frankfurt counterparty through the windows of the Crusaders-gon. Three perpetrators were later made. They are relevant as a soccer violence known.