Saturday, March 13, 2010

Revolt in Iran - at least ten dead

Tehran - In the most serious unrest since denPräsidentenwahlen in Iran have come on Saturday at least ten Menschenums life. The reported PressTV national television on Sunday.
The U.S. television channel CNN said, citing "hospital circles" of 19 dead. Independent reports on dieerneuten protests against the disputed re-election of PräsidentMahmud Ahmadinejad did not exist, because the foreign media may nichtberichten and all opposition media are locked.
   Opposition supporters protest has now been nine days against dieWiederwahl Ahmadinejad and accuse him of electoral fraud. On Samstaghatten several thousand people gathered in Tehran, obwohldie organizers to opposition leader Mir Hussein Mousavi had canceled one vonden authorities banned mass rally. It was eszu serious clashes with supporters of opposition Gefolgsleutenvon Ahmadinejad and security forces arrived.
   The end of the conflict there unterschiedlicheDarstellungen. The State Press TV channel reported that "troublemakers" had Militärkaserneangezündet two hospitals and a.
The news agency Khabar reported dieSicherheitskräfte were used as opposed to the demonstrators keinescharfe ammunition. At the protests, the police had used teargas and water cannons, and will also have to air missiles, in order to disperse the protesters.
   The opposition Movement for Mussawi spoke of a äußerstgewaltsamen action by the security forces. The Ahmadinedschadnahestehenden `Basij" militias had set fire to a mosque, inder had resided opposition supporters, berichtetenDemonstranten in the short message service Twitter. Was not clear whether esdabei dead and injured had been. Selbsthätten The protesters threw firebombs.
   The opposition movement also reported from other large iranischenStädten demonstrations, for example from Isfahan and Shiraz. Teilweiseseien the security forces here Demonstrantenvorgegangen against.